What Moving to LA Taught Me About Myself

First things first, I’m a DMV girl. We shoot straight and we get sh*t done. Period!

So when I moved to LA for the second time in 2018, it was a whole new world. Yes, everything you’ve heard about LA is (sometimes) true. Being an entrepreneur and a single #momty in this city can be rough, but real ones thrive no matter where you put them. Here’s some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way.


Eat or Get Eaten

It may never rain in Southern California, but it’s not always sweet. LA is still a city where you gotta hustle. Cost of living aside, everyone here is trying to make it. Don’t be the one to get swallowed

Remember that the hustle isn’t all about money, either. The real hustle is working towards who you want to be every single day. Putting in that work for yourself will always pay off. 


Find Your Tribe

OK, we got the hustle down. Now it’s time to find your people! LA gets a bad rap for being fake but, to me it’s all about how you approach it. I’ve got a pretty sensitive bullsh*t meter and I don’t hold my tongue. My friends say I can be blunt, I say it helps me get to the real ones faster.

My number one rule, though? Vibe with the people who vibe with you. This is a place where it’s easy to get caught up in the clout, but trust me, building relationships with people who actually like and respect you is the way to go. 

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Be You

You are enough, exactly the way you are. You don’t have to have a fancy car and all new everything. That stuff is nice, but it doesn’t mean anything if you’re not genuine on the inside. Enter every room as your best self and you’d be surprised who you find there vibing with you. 

Notice I said best self. LA is one of those places where you never know who you’re going to see, so keep that in mind. Your looks or material possessions might catch their eye for a second, but what will hold their attention is being who you actually are. Talk about the things that excite you and do the things that actually interest you. Who knows, the girl next to you at aerial yoga might love anime as much as you do!

No matter where you go, your reputation precedes you and your character will follow behind you long after you’re gone. Showing up as your most authentic self means you won’t always be the crowd favorite, but I guarantee you’ll find your people much faster that way.